招生 & 援助

To view a list of program application deadlines, 点击这里

招生 Requirements

  • Application and $50 fee.
  • 2 - 3页, double spaced personal statement of academic and professional goals (if GPA is lower than 2.8, please address it in your Personal Statement & second interview is required)
  • 当前的简历
  • One official transcript (sealed) from all colleges or universities attended. If your bachelor's degree is in progress, upload an unofficial one now; then send the official transcript after your degree is posted. 
  • Bachelor’s degree: Evidence of completion from a regionally-accredited college
  • Three letters of recommendation from professional and/or academic references who can evaluate your potential to be a counselor. Letters from personal references (such as family or friends) will not be accepted. Please provide three professional and or academic references and their contact information in the Recommenders section of the application. The online system will contact them directly with instructions on uploading letters of recommendation. 
    • 请注意: Letters of Recommendation must be received for your file to be deemed complete and ready for review; however, 这些信件 DO NOT need to be received by admissions prior to submitting your application.
  • Evidence of health insurance (and/or a signed waiver)
  • Results of a tuberculin test (within the last year)

For Master's degree applicants specializing in School Counseling and School Psychology or Post-MA, PPS Credential students only:

  • Certificate of Clearance (student needs to have paid for the CTC document): Required for all School Counseling and School Psychology applicants. Clearance is mandatory before any PPS School Counseling or School Psychology student enters any practicum or field placement.
  • 的证明 registration for CBEST test or passing another Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) alternative option 经中心批准. Passing is not required for admission; however, a passing BSR is required prior to beginning any practicum or field placement.

NOTE: After submitting your application, you will be notified to schedule an admissions interview.


You may begin your application and reference our admissions checklist and application deadlines and requirements to ensure it is completed thoroughly. 

If you have not been working in the field since earning a master’s degree, then you must take the National Counselor Examination (不错的) to verify currency before a 学习计划 is created. 


After your application is processed and it is determined that your Master's meet the CTC requirements, you will be contacted to schedule a group interview. If your graduate GPA is below 2.8, a second, individual interview is also required.


Once you have been admitted into the School Psychology PPS Credential-Only program, you will pay a $200 transcript evaluation fee and a faculty advisor will create your individualized 学习计划. Most students will earn their credential in 2 years.

You will need to supply your master's degree transcript, 课程教学大纲, 课程目录, for evaluation to determine which of your master's courses are 转移able. To fulfill the College's residency requirement, at least 34 units must be completed within the PPSC Program. A maximum of 9 units (3 full unit classes) can be 转移red in and 25 additional units may be challenged. Professional experience is also taken into consideration for course challenges and will be discussed with the faculty advisor when creating your 学习计划.

Courses acceptable for 转移 credit must have been taken within the last five years. Coursework may be acceptable beyond five years if you are able to display current experience and knowledge or by taking the National Counselor Examination (不错的).

You may reference our general School Psychology 学习计划 to compare to your graduate transcript and see which courses you may want to challenge, 转移, or still need to take.

