11年的卡梅莉亚·泰勒 Explores Black Catholic Women’s 历史

by Annaliese Martinez, 21岁,大学传播特约撰稿人| 2022年3月16日

After earning her bachelor’s degree in English 和 Women’s 和 Gender Studies with a minor in 历史, 圣玛丽的校友 11年的卡梅莉亚·泰勒 dedicated her graduate research to the history of the first female Catholic 宗教 order of African descent in the United States. 泰勒, who graduated from CSU San Marcos in December 2021 with a master’s in 历史 和 an emphasis in Digital 历史, shared about her research 和 her hopes for social change. 

“我的硕士论文是关于宗教秩序的, 普罗维登斯扁形姐妹会, 位于巴尔的摩, 马里兰,泰勒分享道。. “They were discovered in 1828 by Mother Mary Lange 和 Father Nicholas Joubert. Lange 和 Joubert founded their order 和 school, Saint Frances Academy (previously known as Saint Frances School for Colored Girls), which was dedicated to educating young Black girls before 和 after the Civil War. The thesis is an examination of 普罗维登斯扁形姐妹会, highlighting their contributions in the field of education, 他们作为社区领袖的角色, 和 their experiences as women 宗教 of color during the Antebellum period through the 重建 Era.”

在她的论文写作过程中, 泰勒 conducted archival research 和 lived among the sisters to experience life as a 宗教 woman firsth和. “I’ve always had a fascination 和 curiosity with nuns or 宗教 sisters, so to actually live with a group of consecrated women who chose not to marry, but instead devote themselves to God 和 to live out whatever ministry the order asks of them to do, was definitely an eye-opening experience as a researcher 和 lay person.” 

妹妹米. Theodore Riley (seated) 和 Sister Virginia Reister (st和ing), c. 1860s
妹妹米. Theodore Riley (seated) 和 Sister Virginia Reister (st和ing), c. 1860s

”也, 我知道这听起来很老套, but the fact that these women look like me was a bonus because, 很多时候, 在天主教信仰下长大, 我没见过或认识多少黑人天主教徒,泰勒分享道。. “But through research I have learned there is a whole history of Black Catholicism that highlights the African American contributions within the Church, that has not been tapped into by lay audiences, or widely discussed within the Church community 和 the larger society.”

泰勒描述了, although 普罗维登斯扁形姐妹会 were not self-proclaimed feminists, their work changed history for Black 和 immigrant women in the United States.  “(宗教生活)似乎如此有限, but then you see the work that they’re doing is not limited at all…. 扁形姐妹教历史, 他们在教地理, 他们教文学, 他们在教数学, 他们在教阅读, 他们教写作. 是的, 他们在教授宗教, 但他们也教缝纫, 烹饪, 清洁, 如何成为一个家庭主妇, 因为在那个时期(南北战争前), that’s what Black women were predestined to do…. 但也, they were getting a spiritual 和 moral education in a society where Black women were perceived as hypersexual, 男性化的, 和愚蠢. 所以通过经典的, 宗教, 职业教育, Black girls 和 women were feeding their souls by saying, “你值得接受教育, 和 you are intelligent despite the negative stereotypes placed upon Black young girls 和 women,’”泰勒说。. “So whether you become a wife, mother, laborer you have the skills to survive. For a Black woman who decided to become a religous sister, 这是巨大的,能够说, ‘I can in theory control my body from economic exploitation 和 sexual exploitation through joining the order, 教学, 侍奉上帝.太神奇了.”

“在我完成研究生学位之后, I realized how much Saint Mary’s prepares its students to continue on in higher education,泰勒说。. 泰勒称赞历史教授 默娜圣地亚哥格雷琴Lemke-Santangelo,英语教授 让王,妇女与性别研究教授 丹尼斯通过 for preparing her with the skills to succeed in graduate school. 

“当你的班级规模很小, 具有挑战性的课程负担, but you have professors willing to go the extra mile for you to succeed, that type of support 和 education speaks volumes. 当你进入研究生院, you learn to push faculty members to assist you in areas you may not be strong in. You learn how to think outside of the box when you navigate the culture of higher education. So, 毫无疑问, Saint Mary’s was the best foundation for me to continue in higher education,泰勒说。. 

泰勒 was also a member of the 高潜力项目, 和 credits her mentor 和 former director 当归加西亚 ’98, EdD, for her success in her undergraduate 和 graduate studies. “She helped me navigate the culture of higher education while often inspiring me 和 pushing me to reach my goals as a student 和 campus leader. I never thought about pursuing a graduate education until meeting her. 仍然, she 和 the fantastic faculty inspired me 和 prepared me for graduate school 和 the research I conducted,泰勒说。. 

Now that she has successfully completed her master’s program, 泰勒计划休学一段时间, but she eventually wants to pursue law school or begin to study theology. Whichever path she decides, 泰勒 believes it will lead to a career rooted in service. She hopes that her research will bring light to the Oblate Sisters’ contributions to U.S. 历史和女性的历史, 以及玛丽·兰格母亲的遗产, whose cause for canonization is currently under consideration. 

“更重要的是, I hope the Oblates' history enlightens 和 inspires people to keep pushing forward while currently living through the p和emic, “大辞职”,以及社会经济的不确定性.  Despite the sociopolitical climate of the time, 作为天主教黑人妇女, the Oblates defied the odds as educators 和 leaders. So, 如果这些女人能忍受奴役, 重建, 和 still manage to serve the community of Baltimore, 并在194年后继续服务, 我们也可以继续前进. Even in this down time, we can find our way to see that light 和 help others along the way.”