

Employee benefits are an integral part of faculty and staff compensation, but moreover they represent our values in how we treat all members of the College community.

The 雇员福利谘询委员会 is established as a standing committee of the College to assist and advise the Vice President for Finance in shaping and funding the employee benefit program offered by Saint Mary’s College of California and to help assure that individual benefit plans are being managed in the best interests of program participants and of the College. The Saint Mary’s College Employee 好处 Program includes health and welfare plans, retirement plans and other benefits plans offered by the College as well as the consideration of other employee benefits plans not yet offered by the College.

Guidelines for the 雇员福利谘询委员会

The Committee shall be guided in its efforts by:

1. Making recommendations that reflect and honor the College’s mission and traditions.
2. Making recommendations for the best use of the fiscal and human resources that further the strategic initiatives of the College.
3. Making recommendations that are informed by the competitive plans and best practices of appropriate peer institutions.

Duties of the 雇员福利谘询委员会

The members shall fulfill their duties by:

1. Becoming familiar with the objectives, 设计 and key documents for each existing benefit plan.
2. Monitoring the 政府 of existing benefit plans in accordance with plan documents and objectives.
3. Making recommendations to the Vice President for Finance regarding objectives, 设计, 提供者(年代), 政府, and employee and/or employer funding levels for benefit plans.
4. Assessing proposed new benefit plans, including the need for and potential benefits and costs.
5. Reviewing annual benefit plan audits where available and appropriate.
6. Monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and making recommendations based on legal developments.
7. Providing input on program effectiveness and acceptance by fellow faculty and staff members.
8. Actively acting as a communication conduit to your fellow faculty and staff members on the activities and information disseminated in Committee meetings and as agreed to in Committee meetings.
9. Balancing advocacy for your fellow faculty and staff members with stewardship for the entire campus community.

Members of the 雇员福利谘询委员会

Committee members shall serve one-year terms and are encouraged to serve additional terms to assure continuity of decision making and the development of institutional memory. 成员包括:

1. Assistant Vice President for Finance/Controller
2. Assistant Vice President, 人力资源, Committee Co-Chair
3. 教职员福利委员会委员
4. Staff Council’s 补偿 and 好处 Committee Members
5. 福利署署长
6. 教务长或其指定人员
7. Vice President for Finance, Committee Co-Chair


The 人力资源 Department shall provide administrative support for the Committee. Outside consultants may also be engaged to provide other types of support to the Committee.


The Committee may be assisted in its work by subcommittees. 小组委员会 may be appointed by the Vice President for Finance.

Employee Work/Life Program Tenets (employee benefits)

As developed by the 雇员福利谘询委员会 (EBAC), Spring 2014.

1. Employee 好处 are part of the college’s total compensation strategy and must be considered as part of a holistic employee engagement.

2. The employee benefits program(s) offered should align with Saint Mary’s College principles. Programs offered will treat all members of the College community with fairness and in a way that supports our families.

3. Where practical the programs offered should be 设计ed to include choices for employees that match their individual needs, 信仰和环境.

4. The programs’ financials (budget) should operate within agreed upon (or approved) targets and be easy to project and budget.

5. Employees should share in the cost of their particular health care plans or coverage options in a way that reflects the relative value of their choices.

6. Wellness initiatives will be supported and promoted.

7. There will be open communication with the campus community about the 设计, cost and value of the benefit program as well as the decision-making processes involved.

8. All means should be leveraged to contain costs, ease 政府 and to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and value to all participants.

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