Adjunct Faculty Openings


十大正规网赌平台议价单位成员或与SEIU 1021协议所涵盖的代理费支付者的所有可用课程部分的申请人, 谁曾教过该课程或谁已通过第10条所述的程序确定合格, have only the following application requirements:

  • Indicate interest via application to the posting 
  • 完成SMC每门课程兼职教师问卷调查,以确定与SEIU 1021协议所涵盖的十大正规网赌平台议价单位教师或代理费支付者
  • Indicate preferences if there are multiple sections


School of Economics and Business Administration

Fall 10 Week Term 2024

Fall Semester 2024

Winter 10 Week Term 2025

Spring 10 Week Term 2025

Spring Semester 2025

School of Science - Undergraduate

Fall Term 2024



1项 2025


Kalmanovitz School of Education     

College Supervisor for MSTE, SSTE and SPED Credential Candidates


Master of Arts in 领导 program: Cohort Weaver Position.


           Winter Quarter 2025

     JAN TERM 2025



School of Liberal Arts 


Collegiate Seminar 


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