


  • 100  Intro to Literary Analysis            MWF 10:40 - 11:30am         Robert Gorsch
    • 你喜欢读故事、小说、诗歌吗 . . .?  This is an introductory course in close reading and textual analysis. 你将学会慢慢地、仔细地阅读课文, 注意文本中的细节和模式, 理解文学文本是如何表达意义的. 进入英语学习之旅的开始. All English Majors begin here but this course is open to all students.
  • 280  Intro to Digital Humanities            T/Th 10:05 - 11:20am    Sunayani Bhattacharya
    • 新课程! Are you curious about the digital world and its relationship to the humanities? Do you wish to acquire digital skills and be more competitive in the job market for culture industries? Or perhaps you want to know more about all the work that goes into designing a digital platform? 本课程将有助于回答所有这些问题, 向大家介绍人文学科的世界, 数字. 你将调查案例研究, 学会使用数字工具, and develop evidence-based arguments and interpretations about and using digital technologies.
  • 304修复与18世纪文学.        MWF上午9:15 - 10:20尹元 
    • 简·奥斯丁 in her historical context and in our contemporary moment. We will use her writings to examine key issues of the long eighteenth century, 包括性别政治, 土地所有权, 社会性, 消费主义, 贸易, 和帝国. As someone whose life and work famously troubles the 18th/19th-century divide, Austen provides a compelling case study for interrogating the problem of literary periodization. We will examine the continuities and discontinuities between Austen and earlier 18th-century writers. We will also grapple with the significance of Austen’s enduring popularity by examining screen adaptations of her work, in order to consider the ways in which the eighteenth century continues to be here, 现在, 与我们. 
      • This course satisfies the pre-1800 requirement and Arts and Humanities analysis. 
  • {CUT DUE TO ENROLLMENT) 308    American Literature 1900 - Present    MWF    10:40 - 11:45am     Molly Metherd
    • (Course is no longer being offered) Taylor Swift and American Storytelling! 泰勒·斯威夫特的最新专辑, 饱受折磨的诗社, absolutely calls for her work to be studied in an English class, 正确的? Why does Swift's storytelling connect so deeply with her audiences of all ages? And, how can we understand her work in a larger context of American literary expression? We will draw thematic and stylistic connections between her catalog and works by tortured poets and writers including Willa Cather, F. 斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,西尔维娅·普拉斯和奥德丽·洛德. 我们将学习像证词这样的叙事策略, intertextuality and closure and explore common themes including American childhood, 怀旧之情, 性别权利, 和更多的. This course will appeal to Swifties and literature buffs alike. 
      • This course satisfies the core curriculum requirement for Arts and Humanities analysis. 
  • 350    Intro to Drama: 从经典到前沿     T/Th    11:40 - 1:20pm           Emily Klein
    • 从经典到前沿. In this class, we’ll ask what distinguishes drama from literature, television, & 电影. 有互联网 & YouTube hijacked essential elements of the drama or revived them…or both? What qualities does a text need to have to be considered a drama? 最重要的是, 存在的要素是怎样的, 活性, 口语化和具象化使该剧独树一帜? 从古希腊开始, and speeding our way through the Renaissance and modernism, we'll land in the postmodern funhouse of contemporary theatre, 同时研究BIPOC, LGBTQIA, 还有女剧作家, 承担起他们那个时代的问题. 
      • This course satisfies the core curriculum requirement for Arts and Humanities analysis. 
  • 354    Topics in Film                 MWF    12:05 - 1:10pm    Kathryn Koo
    • 电影中的黑人生活. We will critically examine the representation of Black lives in 电影, from the first 电影s on the silent screen to contemporary 电影s of the past twenty years. We will learn to understand the “language” of 电影 by reading 电影 theory, 特别关注观众, 机构, 以及种族和权力的动态, all the while tracing the history of Black cinema and the achievements of Black 电影makers throughout the twentieth century. 这门课结束的时候, students will be able to analyze 电影 as a powerful form of representation, 对现存社会秩序的批判, 也是实现社会正义的一种手段. Join us as we examine the richness and diversity of Black lives in 电影. 
      • Satisfies the Humanities and Identity, Power, and Equity (IPE) requirements of the 核心课程.
  • 366    Public 历史 and the Power of Narrative  T/Th    1:30 - 3:10pm       Lisa Manter
    • Saint Mary’s history of diversity organizations and cultural clubs. “为什么我们(历史学家)这么无聊?” asked Director for the Center for the American West Patty Limerick. One way to increase the engagement and impact of history is through the power of story. The first half of the course will focus on understanding how stories work and what stories have to offer the field of public history. We will then apply these narrative elements to Saint Mary’s own history of its diversity organizations and cultural clubs. 是谁开始的,为什么? 他们的挣扎是什么?? 他们的胜利? You will work with Saint Mary’s archival material as well as reach out to present and past members of these groups to gather their memories with the goal of preserving and showcasing their history. 
      • 满足参与式学习的核心要求, must be taken concurrently with the Engaged Learning Requirement below.
  • 366EL    Public 历史 and the Power of Narrative     TBA             Lisa Manter
    • 参与学习组件. 本课程必须与engl366同时修. A minimum of 20 hours working for the SMC archives, directed by archivist Kate Wilson. An additional 17 hours will be spent on Engaged Learning-related assignments.


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