生病的 离开 for Student Hourly Employees

生病的 离开 for Student Hourly Employees

生病的 leave allows student and variable-hour employees to be paid when they are unable to perform their scheduled work duties due to illness or for other related reasons (see below). All student and variable-hour employees at Saint Mary's College are eligible for paid sick leave. 

When is it appropriate to use paid sick leave?

  • 生病的 leave may be used for a legitimate illness or disability of the employee, 包括怀孕, or the illness of a member of the employee's immediate family (including a registered domestic partner as defined by applicable law), or for doctor/dentist appointments for the employee or their family member.

When should employees 不ify their supervisor?

  • 如果可能的话, the employee should give advance 不ice to their supervisor before sick leave is taken. If the need is unforseen, the employee should 不ify their supervisor as soon as practicable.
  • If the sick leave is planned (e.g. a scheduled doctor visit), the employee 必须 不ify their supervisor ahead of time.

How much paid sick leave are student and variable-hour employees entitled to take? What is the rate of accrual?

  • 员工可能会  use more paid leave than they have accrued or were scheduled for.
  • Student and other variable-hour employees accrue paid sick leave at a rate of 1 hour per 30 工作 (~2 minutes per hour 工作).

How do student and variable-hour employees view how much paid sick leave they have accrued?

  • Balances are visible to employees in two places on GaelXpress 2.0: 
    • 离开 Screen under the Employee Overview section
      离开 Screenshot Button. 离开. Here you can view your leave balences and leave requests.
    • Time Entry Screen --> 查看休假余额 (on top next to 保存 button)
      查看休假余额 screen shot. 刚才保存的. 保存. 查看休假余额.

Can employees "cash-out" their unused sick leave?

  • No, an employee will 不 be paid for accumulated unused sick leave under any circumstances, including at termination, resignation or retirement.
  • If an employee leaves their job and is rehired within 12 months by Saint Mary's College of California, paid sick leave accrued prior to leaving may be restored. The maximum balance of the new position will determine the maximum that can be restored in this way.

Does unused sick leave carry-over from one year to the next?

  • 是的, accrued sick leave does 不 expire as long as continuous employment with the College is maintained.

What is the maximum number of hours student and variable-hour employees can accrue?

  • Student and variable-hour employees can accrue up to a maximum of 48 paid sick leave hours.

How is paid sick leave reported on GaelXpress Time Entry?

  • Please review the instructions below for reporting paid sick leave on GaelXpress



第一个 Select "+ Additional Time"   ------->  然后 选择赚取类型 = 生病的

  • Do 不 record Time In or Time Out for 生病的 离开 used. 只有几个小时 工作 are recorded in Time In and Time Out.
  • 生病的 离开 used 必须 be recorded in HOURS. For example 2 hours and 15 minutes of sick leave is 2.25小时. (见图片)
Additional Time Button


选择赚取类型. 生病的.



  • No Regular Hours should be reported for 生病的 离开 used. 只有几个小时 工作 should be reported under regular hours.
赚的类型. 生病的. 6月14日星期一. 2.00.




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