

Post-award Grant Administration 

Responsibility for post-award administration of grants and contracts is shared by Saint Mary’s Business Office, the unit(s) that are home to the primary investigator / project director (PI/PD), and the specific PI or PD.  

Please contact the office of your dean or administrative supervisor for support in administering your grant-funded project.  In addition, you may refer to the Saint Mary’s College of California Sponsored Projects Budgeting and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3, "Post-award Procedures," for guidance.

Post-award Responsibilities

As Primary Investigator/Project Director, what is my role once a grant is awarded?

The PI or Project Director is responsible to conduct the funded project, including:

  • Notify the assistant controller in the Business Office and the director, Office of Research, of any grant award communications, and share any documents received for review and acceptance:
  • Collaborate with the Office of Research and Business Office in negotiating and accepting the award.
  • Review and comply with grant terms and conditions.
  • Implement the project and expend grant funds as defined in the award documents.
  • Work through the dean or administrative supervisor’s office to process expenses for materials, supplies, and contractual costs.  
  • Sign off on time and effort reporting as requested by the Business Office. 
  • Work with your dean or supervisor along with the grant accountant in the Business Office to make any changes in the grant budget or project scope, and confirm with the Business Office before expending grant funds on items that differ in any way from the approved budget. 
  • Maintain narrative and financial records of project activities and manage data for reports.
  • Prepare and submit all required narrative and technical reports to the funder on time.

How does the Business Office support grant-funded projects?
The Business Office is responsible for overseeing financial and contractual elements of the award, in collaboration with the primary investigator / project director’s school or administrative unit. The Busines Office follows standard accounting practices and adheres strictly to all college policies and federal regulations in administering grant funds. The Business Office will:

  • Set up all grants in the accounting system.
  • Advise deans/administrators and grant-funded faculty and staff regarding budget administration.
  • Request reimbursement from funders for grant-funded expenses.
  • Prepare financial reports.
  • Authorize changes to approved budgets or other grant terms, as allowed by funder policy.
  • Certify compliance with all grant-related federal regulations.
  • Officially close out the grant at termination.

How does my dean’s office or administrative supervisor’s office support grant-funded projects?
Your dean or administrative supervisor is responsible to administer the grant in collaboration with the Business Office.  Activities include:

  • Ensure grant-funded buyout is accurately reflected in workload
  • On behalf of the PI/PD, process expenses for materials, supplies, and contractual costs, and coordinate with Business Office to ensure that all grant-related expenses are consistent with original guidelines and budget parameters
  • Coordinate with the grant accountant to process compensation for faculty and staff supported by grant
  • Monitor the overall progress of the project
  • Collaborate with the Business Office and Office of Research to guide project faculty / staff in making changes to the grant as needed
  • Support timely reporting and communication about project activities

How does the Office of Research support my grant-funded project?
As part of its pre-award responsibilities, the Office of Research negotiates the final award in collaboration with the PI, their school / administrative unit, and Business Office.  Specific responsibilities include:

  • Notify the Business Office that an award has been made, and collaborate to negotiate terms and conditions of the final award.
  • Lead the transition process from the pre-award to the post-award phase.  This includes advising the PI regarding grant terms and conditions.
  • Provide guidance for additional questions that arise in post-award.